Our mission is to provide our customers access to their digital cash in real time, every time.
Kobo is reinventing internet banking as you know it. By design, KOBO is purpose-built to be "ON-DEMAND" to empower customers to instantly and securely receive, send and spend money from their mobile phone, even without previously having a bank account.
Once you own a KOBO Account, you’ll receive the highest protection and control of your private digital cash, a fully End-to-End CONTACTLESS payment experience.
We are committed to a prosperous society, acting in a way that’s Simple, Personal and Fair.
Our aim is to be the best open financial services platform by acting responsibly and earning the lasting loyalty of our people, customers, shareholders and communities.
Our corporate culture is evolving to respond to a constantly changing world
E-Integration Services
E-Integration Services
E-Security Technologies
E-Security Technologies
Leading E-payment solutions
Leading E-payment solutions